Occupational Health & Safety Statement

ABUD is committed to creating a safe and healthy working environment and I will ensure that appropriate resources and expertise are provided to achieve OH&S objectives. A healthy and safe workplace assists to create an environment where people are able to contribute to the maximum of their potential. The importance of Occupational Health and Safety in contributing to the recruitment, retention and protection of our people is emphasised in the OH&S plan.

ABUD’s management team is committed to developing appropriate safety management systems, ensuring that staff has access to appropriate training and ensuring that performance is regularly reported against identified key performance indicators. As part of our line management responsibility, managers and supervisors are accountable for the health and safety of staff working under their direction. This is done through the implementation of healthy and safe work procedures in their tasks and work areas.

ABUD employees always take all reasonable and practicable steps not to create risks or increase existing risks to themselves, to their fellow employees, or to others in or near the workplace. They use all equipment in a safe and proper manner, and report accidents, dangerous incidents or potential hazards to their immediate supervisors. Any ABUD Employee will cooperate with persons with legal OH&S obligations and allow them to visit and inspect workplaces.